The supervisory board appoints and dismisses the DATEV the board members and monitors the executive board in its management.
The supervisory board's duties are defined by law and the cooperative's statutes. They are specified in more detail in the cooperative code which DATEV acknowledges.
The supervisory board consists of twelve members, and according to the Co-determination act, it provides equal representation. Six members of the supervisory board are associates of the members' representatives meeting, whereas six employee representatives are elected by the cooperative's employees. The term of office of the supervisory board is four years.
To support its work, the supervisory board establishes from its ranks an audit committee as well as a compensation committee. According to section 27 paragraph 3 of the Co-determination act, a mediation committee is appointed. The supervisory board reports to the member's representative meeting on its activities and the auditing of financial statements, the management report and board's proposal on the appropriation of profits.
Nicolas Hofmann, StB
Deputy Chairman
Peter Bach, DATEV employee
Further members
Alfred Gesierich, StB, Dipl.-Kaufmann
Claudia Greibke, StB/WP
Dr. Dierk Hirschel, verdi (trade union)
Angelika Klidas, Dipl.-Informatikerin, DATEV employee
Martina Scholze, verdi (trade union)
Wolfgang Wagner, StB/WP, Dipl.-Kaufmann
René Wiedmann, Betriebswirt (VWA), DATEV employee
Manuela Wolfrum, DATEV employee
Nicola Zell, RAin/FAin f. StR
Johannes Zolk, StB